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Science is still coming to grips with why we sleep, but we do know that getting a good night’s sleep is essential to optimal health and wellbeing. Healthy sleep patterns can help reduce stress, improve your memory, lower your blood sugar, restore your immune system, and even make you smarter. However, due to bad diets and busy, stressful lifestyles, many of us aren’t getting the good quality sleep we need – even if we sleep for a solid 8 hours.

Exercise regularly – but not before bed – to get your heart rate up and tire out your body. Even short bouts of running, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking can help improve sleep quality and fight insomnia. Whether you’re running around the block, doing yoga, or building muscle with strength training, you should aim for at least 75 – 150 minutes of exercise a week.

Reduce blue light exposure before bed. The blue light emitted by electronics such as smartphones, computers and TVs disrupts your circadian rhythms, tricking your brain into thinking it’s still daytime. There are several apps that will cut this spectrum from your screens, but the best way to ensure healthy sleep is to avoid screens and bright lights about 2 hours before going to bed.

Encourage melatonin production with calcium. Beyond maintaining healthy teeth and bones, calcium helps your body use an amino acid called tryptophan to create melatonin, a natural sleep-inducing chemical. A warm glass of milk has long been used as a home remedy for insomnia as dairy products contain both calcium and tryptophan.

Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D. Deficiency in the ‘sunshine vitamin’ has been associated with insomnia and a reduction in sleep quality. If you have a job that keeps you inside all day, you might be missing some of this crucial vitamin, and a good supplement may help you get a decent sleep that leaves you feeling rested and alert.

Don’t consume caffeine after 3pm. While most of us need a cuppa to get us going in the morning, caffeine can seriously affect your sleep quality. Studies have shown that caffeine can stay in your blood for up to 8 hours after consumption, so avoid drinking tea or coffee 8 hours before bed.

Take a magnesium supplement. Magnesium has been proven to ease tension and help you relax, preparing you for a good night’s sleep. This essential mineral has also been shown to assist in decreasing cortisol, the stress hormone, which can keep you up at night with racing thoughts. Those kept awake by muscle cramps and spasms will further benefit from magnesium’s role in treating and preventing cramps.

Go to bed and wake up at consistent times to habituate your circadian rhythms and encourage your body to prepare for good quality sleep at the right time. If you stick to it, you may even be able to eschew the alarm after a few weeks, as your body will be accustomed to regular sleep patterns.


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